How to write press releases and news stories

Writing news stories and press releases about commercial property transactions can help to promote real estate businesses by demonstrating their knowledge and expertise of the market. To maximise the chances of your news stories being used by the media, there are a number of content and style issues that need to be taken into consideration.
To write a good news release, that will catch the eye of a reporter or editor, there has to be a compelling story. All journalists want to be able to report to their readership: who was involved in the story, what they did, where and when they did it, and (if possible) how much money was involved.
The creation of news stories based on these core elements is the foundation of Realiser, but if you want to write your own press releases, read on.
Rules for writing commercial property news releases
Who did what?
In the context of commercial property, this is normally a company or organisation, but might be a joint venture. For example, "Mega Office Corporation has leased 100,000 sq ft of offices at its latest business park development."
In some instances, the story might involve individuals: "Mega Office Corporation's CEO, Bill Builder, has announced the sale of the company's Airport Portfolio."
Where did they do it?
As real estate assets are (generally!) in fixed locations, it is important to say where they are: "Mega Office Corporation has secured another tenant at its business park development adjacent to the M25 motorway near to Heathrow Airport."
Within large towns and cities, localities are also important: "Mega Office Corporation has purchased a half-acre development site in the Spinningfields area of Manchester."
When they did it?
This seems obvious, but news is new. If the deal you are writing about happened several months in the past, it's not really news: "Mega Office Corporation sold a 50,000 sq ft HQ building in the City of London six months ago" is not going to make the front page.
How much?
If you look at stories that the real estate media publish, the majority will provide financial details of the transactions that they are reporting on. By providing details of the rent or the price increases the chances of the story being used.
Want more?
There are more pointers and tips on writing news releases about commercial property deals here: Five big mistakes to avoid when writing commercial property press releases.